Unleash the Speed Demon: Modding Minecraft’s Minecart Speed in 1.20 via json file
Image by Champeon - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleash the Speed Demon: Modding Minecraft’s Minecart Speed in 1.20 via json file

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Are you tired of traversing the vast distances of your Minecraft world at a snail’s pace? Do you dream of zooming through tunnels and ravines like a hot rod on rails? Well, buckle up, Minecraft enthusiasts, because we’re about to take your minecart experience to the next level! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of JSON modding and show you how to crank up the speed of those trusty minecarts in Minecraft 1.20.

The Basics: Understanding JSON and Minecraft’s Data Files

Before we get started, let’s cover the basics. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that’s widely used in web development. In the context of Minecraft modding, JSON files allow us to modify game data without having to delve into the complexities of Java programming.

Minecraft stores its game data in a series of JSON files located in the `.minecraft/config` directory. These files contain information about various game mechanics, including minecart behavior. By editing these files, we can tweak and customize various aspects of the game to our liking.

Locating the Minecart JSON File

To modify the minecart speed, we need to find the relevant JSON file. In Minecraft 1.20, the file we’re looking for is called `minecart.json`. You can find it in the following directory:

%appdata%\.minecraft\config\ EntityBehavior\

(Note: `%appdata%` is a Windows environment variable that points to the `C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming` directory. If you're using a Mac or Linux, the path will be slightly different.)

Open the `minecart.json` file in a text editor, such as Notepad++ or Sublime Text. You should see a JSON object with various properties related to minecart behavior.

Modifying the Minecart Speed

The property we’re interested in is called `max_speed`. This value determines the maximum speed at which a minecart can travel. By default, it’s set to a rather sluggish 0.4 blocks per tick (bpt). Let’s boost that to a more impressive 1.2 bpt!

  "minecart": {
    "max_speed": 1.2,

Save the changes to the `minecart.json` file and restart Minecraft. You should now be able to build minecart tracks that allow your carts to reach incredible speeds!

Tweaking the Acceleration and Braking

While we’re at it, let’s also adjust the acceleration and braking rates of our minecarts. The `acceleration` property determines how quickly a minecart gains speed, while the `braking` property controls how quickly it slows down.

  "minecart": {
    "max_speed": 1.2,
    "acceleration": 0.05,
    "braking": 0.1,

A higher `acceleration` value will make your minecarts accelerate more quickly, while a higher `braking` value will make them slow down more rapidly. Experiment with different values to find the perfect balance for your minecart mayhem!

Advanced Tweaks: Customizing Minecart Physics

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s delve into some more advanced tweaks. Minecraft’s minecart physics are governed by a series of complex formulas that take into account factors like friction, gravity, and air resistance. By modifying these formulas, we can create custom minecart behaviors that defy the laws of physics (or at least, the laws of Minecraft physics)!

Friction and Gravity

The `friction` property controls how much speed a minecart loses when traversing different types of blocks. By default, it’s set to 0.7, which means that minecarts will slow down significantly when traveling over rough terrain. Let’s reduce the friction to 0.3 to make our minecarts more slippery:

  "minecart": {
    "friction": 0.3,

The `gravity` property, on the other hand, determines how much vertical speed a minecart loses when traveling uphill. A higher `gravity` value will make minecarts struggle more to climb steep inclines. Let’s reduce the gravity to 0.2 to make our minecarts more buoyant:

  "minecart": {
    "gravity": 0.2,

Air Resistance and Momentum

The `air_resistance` property controls how much speed a minecart loses when traveling through the air. By default, it’s set to 0.9, which means that minecarts will slow down rapidly when airborne. Let’s reduce the air resistance to 0.5 to make our minecarts more aerodynamic:

  "minecart": {
    "air_resistance": 0.5,

The `momentum` property determines how much speed a minecart retains when colliding with other objects. A higher `momentum` value will make minecarts more prone to destructive collisions. Let’s increase the momentum to 1.5 to make our minecarts more… enthusiastic:

  "minecart": {
    "momentum": 1.5,

Conclusion: Unleashing the Speed Demon Within

With these tweaks, you should now be able to create minecart tracks that would make even the most seasoned rollercoaster designer jealous! Remember to experiment with different values and combinations to find the perfect balance of speed, acceleration, and reckless abandon.

Modding Minecraft’s minecart speed via JSON files is a great way to customize your gaming experience and push the limits of what’s possible in the world of Minecraft. So, what are you waiting for? Unleash the speed demon within and take your minecart rides to new heights (and speeds)!

Property Description Default Value Recommended Value
max_speed Maximum speed of a minecart 0.4 bpt 1.2 bpt
acceleration Rate at which a minecart gains speed 0.02 0.05
braking Rate at which a minecart slows down 0.05 0.1
friction Amount of speed lost when traversing rough terrain 0.7 0.3
gravity Amount of vertical speed lost when traveling uphill 0.5 0.2
air_resistance Amount of speed lost when traveling through the air 0.9 0.5
momentum Amount of speed retained when colliding with objects 1.0 1.5

Remember to always backup your JSON files before making changes, and be careful not to introduce any syntax errors that could crash your game. Happy modding, and see you on the tracks!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level by modding your minecart speed in 1.20 via json file!

What is the main advantage of modding minecart speed in Minecraft?

Modding minecart speed allows you to customize your Minecraft experience, making it more exciting and efficient! With faster minecarts, you can cover longer distances in less time, explore more areas, and even create more complex contraptions.

What is the json file used for in modding minecart speed?

The json file is used to customize the minecart speed settings in Minecraft. By editing this file, you can adjust the speed, acceleration, and deceleration of your minecarts to your liking, giving you precise control over their behavior.

Can I mod minecart speed for all types of minecarts?

Yes, you can! By editing the json file, you can customize the speed settings for all types of minecarts, including standard, chest, furnace, and more. This allows you to tailor your minecart speed to your specific needs and playstyle.

Will modding minecart speed affect other aspects of the game?

No, modding minecart speed via the json file is a targeted modification that only affects the speed and behavior of minecarts. It won’t impact other aspects of the game, such as gameplay mechanics, graphics, or performance.

Is modding minecart speed in Minecraft 1.20 via json file difficult?

Not at all! Modding minecart speed via the json file is a relatively simple process that requires basic knowledge of editing text files. With the right instructions and a bit of patience, you can easily customize your minecart speed to your heart’s content.