Unlocking the Power of SpEL: How to Increase the Maximum Length of SpEL Expressions in Spring Boot 3.3.0
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Unlocking the Power of SpEL: How to Increase the Maximum Length of SpEL Expressions in Spring Boot 3.3.0

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Are you tired of hitting the character limit wall when crafting complex SpEL (Spring Expression Language) expressions in your Spring Boot 3.3.0 application? Do you find yourself struggles to convey the intricacies of your business logic within the constraints of the default maximum length? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to unleash the full potential of SpEL and push those character limits to new heights!

The Problem: Default Maximum Length Limitations

By default, SpEL expressions in Spring Boot 3.3.0 have a maximum length of 2048 characters. While this may seem like a generous amount, it can quickly become a bottleneck when dealing with complex logic, nested expressions, or elaborate conditional statements. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this limitation and explore the solutions to overcome it.

Why the Default Maximum Length is Limited

The default maximum length of 2048 characters is a deliberate design choice to prevent excessive memory consumption and improve performance. SpEL expressions are parsed and stored in memory, and long expressions can lead to increased memory usage, potentially causing performance issues and even crashes.

However, this limitation can be a hindrance when dealing with intricate business logic or complex conditional statements. To overcome this, we’ll explore the following approaches to increase the maximum length of SpEL expressions:

Approach 1: Increase the Maximum Length using the spring.expression.max:indexed.spel.size Property

The most straightforward way to increase the maximum length of SpEL expressions is by configuring the spring.expression.max:indexed.spel.size property in your application’s configuration file (e.g., application.properties or application.yml). This property allows you to set a custom maximum length for indexed SpEL expressions.

          size: 5000

In this example, we’ve set the maximum length to 5000 characters. You can adjust this value according to your needs, keeping in mind the performance implications mentioned earlier.

Impact on Performance

Increasing the maximum length of SpEL expressions can have performance implications, especially if you’re dealing with extremely complex logic or large datasets. Be cautious when adjusting this property, as it may lead to increased memory consumption and slower performance.

Approach 2: Use a Custom SpelExpressionParser Bean

Another way to increase the maximum length of SpEL expressions is by creating a custom SpelExpressionParser bean. This approach provides more flexibility and control over the parsing process.

public class CustomSpelExpressionParserConfig {
  public SpelExpressionParser spelExpressionParser() {
    SpelExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser();
    parser.setMaxIndexedSpelSize(5000); // Set the maximum length to 5000 characters
    return parser;

In this example, we’ve created a custom SpelExpressionParser bean and set the maximum length to 5000 characters using the setMaxIndexedSpelSize() method. This bean will be used by Spring Boot to parse SpEL expressions, allowing you to control the maximum length.

Approach 3: Use a Custom SpelCompiler Bean

A more advanced approach is to create a custom SpelCompiler bean. This method provides fine-grained control over the compilation process and allows you to adjust the maximum length of SpEL expressions.

public class CustomSpelCompilerConfig {
  public SpelCompiler spelCompiler() {
    SpelCompiler compiler = new SpelCompiler();
    compiler.setMaxIndexedSpelSize(5000); // Set the maximum length to 5000 characters
    return compiler;

In this example, we’ve created a custom SpelCompiler bean and set the maximum length to 5000 characters using the setMaxIndexedSpelSize() method. This bean will be used by Spring Boot to compile SpEL expressions, allowing you to control the maximum length.


In this article, we’ve explored three approaches to increase the maximum length of SpEL expressions in Spring Boot 3.3.0. By understanding the reasons behind the default limitation and utilizing the spring.expression.max:indexed.spel.size property, custom SpelExpressionParser beans, or custom SpelCompiler beans, you can unlock the full potential of SpEL and craft complex business logic with ease.

Best Practices

When increasing the maximum length of SpEL expressions, keep in mind the following best practices:

  • Monitor performance and memory usage to ensure your application remains stable.
  • Avoid unnecessary complexity in your SpEL expressions to maintain readability and maintainability.
  • Test your application thoroughly to ensure the increased maximum length doesn’t introduce unexpected errors or behavior.

By following these best practices and choosing the approach that suits your needs, you can create powerful and efficient SpEL expressions that drive your Spring Boot 3.3.0 application forward.

Configuration Control
1. spring.expression.max:indexed.spel.size Property Simple configuration Basic control
2. Custom SpelExpressionParser Bean Programmatic configuration Medium control
3. Custom SpelCompiler Bean Advanced programmatic configuration High control

This table summarizes the three approaches, highlighting the level of control and configuration required for each method. Choose the approach that best fits your needs and unlocks the full potential of SpEL in your Spring Boot 3.3.0 application.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of SpEL expressions in your Spring Boot 3.3.0 application!

What is the default maximum length of SpEL expressions in Spring Boot 3.3.0?

By default, the maximum length of SpEL expressions in Spring Boot 3.3.0 is 65536 characters. However, you can increase this limit to accommodate more complex expressions.

How can I increase the maximum length of SpEL expressions using a property in application.properties or application.yml?

You can add the following property to your application.properties or application.yml file: spring.expression.max-spel-length=. Replace with the desired maximum length, such as 131072 or any other value that suits your needs.

Is there a way to increase the maximum length of SpEL expressions programmatically in my Spring Boot application?

Yes, you can increase the maximum length of SpEL expressions programmatically by creating a @Bean of type SpelParserConfiguration and setting the maximum SpEL length. For example: @Bean public SpelParserConfiguration spelParserConfiguration() { SpelParserConfiguration config = new SpelParserConfiguration(true, true); config.setMaxSpelLength(131072); return config; }

What are the implications of increasing the maximum length of SpEL expressions in my Spring Boot application?

Increasing the maximum length of SpEL expressions can lead to a higher risk of stack overflow errors or performance issues if your expressions are extremely complex. Be cautious when increasing the limit and ensure you have sufficient resources to handle the increased complexity.

Can I set the maximum length of SpEL expressions to unlimited or a very high value?

While it’s technically possible to set the maximum length to a very high value or even Integer.MAX_VALUE, it’s not recommended as it can lead to serious performance issues, stack overflows, or even crashes. Be responsible and set a reasonable limit that suits your application’s needs.

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