Unlocking the Power of Next-intl: Getting the Specified Array Object
Image by Champeon - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Next-intl: Getting the Specified Array Object

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Are you tired of struggling with internationalization and localization in your JavaScript applications? Do you find yourself spending hours trying to get your date and time formats just right? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of Next-intl and explore how to get the specified array object using this powerful library.

What is Next-intl?

Next-intl is a popular JavaScript library used for internationalization and localization. It provides a simple and efficient way to handle date and time formats, currency, and other cultural-specific data in your applications. With Next-intl, you can easily format dates, times, and numbers according to the user’s locale, ensuring a seamless user experience across different regions and cultures.

Getting Started with Next-intl

To get started with Next-intl, you’ll need to install it using npm or yarn:

npm install next-intl

Once installed, you can import Next-intl in your JavaScript file:

import { IntlProvider, intl } from 'next-intl';

The Specs: Getting the Specified Array Object

So, how do you get the specified array object using Next-intl? It’s actually quite simple. Let’s say you have an array of objects, and each object contains a date property that you want to format according to the user’s locale:

const data = [
  { id: 1, date: '2022-07-25T14:30:00.000Z' },
  { id: 2, date: '2022-08-15T10:45:00.000Z' },
  { id: 3, date: '2022-09-01T08:15:00.000Z' },

To format the date property in each object, you can use the `intl.formatDate` method:

const formattedData = data.map((item) => ({
  date: intl.formatDate(item.date, {
    locale: 'en-US',
    format: 'long',

In this example, we’re using the `map` method to iterate over the `data` array and create a new array of objects with the formatted date property. The `intl.formatDate` method takes two arguments: the date value to format, and an options object that specifies the locale and format.

Specifying the Locale

In the previous example, we hard-coded the locale to `’en-US’`. However, in a real-world application, you’ll want to dynamically set the locale based on the user’s preferences or browser settings. Next-intl provides an `intl.locale` property that returns the current locale:

const locale = intl.locale;

You can use this property to set the locale dynamically:

const formattedData = data.map((item) => ({
  date: intl.formatDate(item.date, {
    locale: intl.locale,
    format: 'long',

Formatting Options

The `intl.formatDate` method provides several formatting options to customize the output:

Option Description
`locale` Specifies the locale to use for formatting.
`format` Specifies the format to use (e.g., `’long’`, `’short’`, `’medium’`, etc.).
`timeZone` Specifies the time zone to use for formatting.
`hour12` Specifies whether to use 12-hour or 24-hour time formatting (defaults to `false`).

For example, to format the date in a short format with a 12-hour clock, you can use the following options:

const formattedData = data.map((item) => ({
  date: intl.formatDate(item.date, {
    locale: intl.locale,
    format: 'short',
    hour12: true,

Best Practices for Internationalization

When working with internationalization and localization, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure that your application is culturally sensitive and user-friendly. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use locale-aware formatting: Always use locale-aware formatting for dates, times, and numbers to ensure that the output is culturally appropriate.
  • Avoid hard-coding locale: Avoid hard-coding the locale in your code. Instead, use the `intl.locale` property to dynamically set the locale based on the user’s preferences or browser settings.
  • Test for different locales: Test your application with different locales to ensure that the formatting and translation are correct.
  • Use Unicode characters: Use Unicode characters to ensure that special characters and symbols are displayed correctly across different languages and cultures.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored how to get the specified array object using Next-intl. By following the examples and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to creating culturally sensitive and user-friendly applications that cater to a global audience.

Remember, internationalization and localization are crucial aspects of modern web development. By using Next-intl and following best practices, you can ensure that your application is accessible and enjoyable for users around the world.

Further Reading

For more information on Next-intl and internationalization, check out the following resources:

  1. Next-intl GitHub Repository
  2. Next-intl Documentation
  3. W3C Internationalization FAQ

Happy coding, and don’t forget to localization!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Next-intl gets the specified array object” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how Next-intl gets the specified array object!

What is the main purpose of Next-intl getting the specified array object?

Next-intl gets the specified array object to enable internationalization and formatting of dates, numbers, and currencies. It allows for efficient handling of localization requirements across different regions and cultures.

How does Next-intl retrieve the specified array object?

Next-intl uses the `getRow` method to retrieve the specified array object. This method takes the row index as an argument and returns the corresponding array object from the data set.

What happens if the specified array object is not found?

If the specified array object is not found, Next-intl will return an error or a default value depending on the configuration. This ensures that the application can handle unexpected data scenarios gracefully.

Can I customize the way Next-intl gets the specified array object?

Yes, you can customize the way Next-intl gets the specified array object by providing custom implementation of the `getRow` method or by using plugins and extensions that extend the default behavior.

What are the benefits of using Next-intl to get the specified array object?

Using Next-intl to get the specified array object provides a flexible and efficient way to handle internationalization and localization requirements. It also simplifies the development process and reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

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