NodeJS v14: Mastering the Art of Feeding Multiple Commands to a Living Spawn Process and Extracting Output
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NodeJS v14: Mastering the Art of Feeding Multiple Commands to a Living Spawn Process and Extracting Output

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Welcome, fellow developers! Are you tired of struggling with NodeJS v14’s spawn process and its limitations when it comes to feeding multiple commands and extracting output? Well, you’re in luck because today, we’re going to dive deep into the world of NodeJS v14 and explore the best practices for overcoming this common hurdle. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of process management and output extraction, and your coding skills will reach new heights!

The Problem: Feeding Multiple Commands to a Living Spawn Process

When working with NodeJS v14, you’ve likely encountered the `spawn` function, which allows you to create a new process and execute a command. However, things get tricky when you need to feed multiple commands to the same process. By default, NodeJS v14’s `spawn` function only accepts a single command as an argument, making it difficult to execute multiple commands in sequence.

The Old Way: Using Multiple Spawn Instances

In the past, developers would often create multiple instances of the `spawn` function to execute multiple commands. This approach, although functional, has several drawbacks:

  • Increased memory usage: Each `spawn` instance requires additional memory allocation, leading to increased resource consumption.
  • Complexity: Managing multiple `spawn` instances can lead to convoluted code, making it harder to debug and maintain.
  • Lack of synchronization: With multiple instances, it’s challenging to ensure that commands are executed in the correct order, leading to potential race conditions.

The Solution: Using a Single Spawn Instance with Input Writing

The good news is that NodeJS v14 provides a more elegant solution for feeding multiple commands to a single spawn process. By using the `stdin` property of the `spawn` instance, we can write input to the process, allowing us to execute multiple commands in sequence.

Let’s create a simple example to illustrate this concept:

const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

const process = spawn('bash', ['-l']);



In this example, we create a new `spawn` instance with the `bash` command and the `-l` flag, which enables login shell behavior. We then use the `stdin.write()` method to feed three commands to the process: `command1`, `command2`, and `exit`. Finally, we call `stdin.end()` to signal the end of input.

Understanding the `stdin` Property

The `stdin` property of the `spawn` instance is a writable stream that allows us to write input to the process. By default, this stream is in object mode, which means we can write JavaScript objects to the stream. However, when working with shell commands, we need to write strings to the stream.

To switch the stream to string mode, we can use the `setEncoding()` method:


Now, when we write strings to the stream using `stdin.write()`, they will be properly encoded and transmitted to the process.

Extracting Output from the Spawn Process

Now that we’ve mastered feeding multiple commands to a living spawn process, it’s time to talk about extracting output from the process.

NodeJS v14 provides two properties for accessing the output of a spawn process: `stdout` and `stderr`. These properties are readable streams that emit data events as the process generates output.

Let’s modify our previous example to extract output from the process:

const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;

const process = spawn('bash', ['-l']);



process.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
  console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);

process.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
  console.error(`stderr: ${data}`);

process.on('close', (code) => {
  console.log(`Process exited with code ${code}`);

In this example, we attach event listeners to the `stdout` and `stderr` properties to capture output from the process. When the process generates output, the `data` event is emitted, and we log the output to the console.

Handling Errors and Edge Cases

When working with spawn processes, it’s essential to handle errors and edge cases to ensure robust and reliable code. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Error handling: Use try-catch blocks to catch errors when writing to the `stdin` stream or reading from the `stdout` and `stderr` streams.
  • Timeouts: Implement timeouts to prevent the process from hanging indefinitely. You can use the `setTimeout()` function to kill the process after a specified period.
  • Buffering: Be mindful of buffering issues when working with large output. You can use the `stdout.unshift()` method to buffer output in memory and process it in chunks.

Real-World Applications

Now that we’ve covered the basics of feeding multiple commands to a living spawn process and extracting output, let’s explore some real-world applications of this technique:

Use Case Description
Automated System Administration Use NodeJS v14 to automate system administration tasks, such as running scripts, updating packages, and configuring services.
CI/CD Pipelines Integrate NodeJS v14 with CI/CD pipelines to execute complex workflows, run tests, and deploy applications.
Data Processing Use NodeJS v14 to automate data processing tasks, such as running SQL queries, processing CSV files, and generating reports.

These are just a few examples of the many use cases for feeding multiple commands to a living spawn process and extracting output. By mastering this technique, you’ll unlock new possibilities for automating complex workflows and building scalable applications.


In conclusion, feeding multiple commands to a living spawn process and extracting output in NodeJS v14 is a powerful technique that can elevate your coding skills and open up new possibilities for automation and process management. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a master of NodeJS v14 and spawn processes.

Remember to handle errors and edge cases, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches and techniques. With practice and patience, you’ll unlock the full potential of NodeJS v14 and take your coding skills to new heights.

Happy coding, and until next time, stay curious and keep learning!

Frequently Asked Question

Get clarifications on NodeJS v14’s spawn process and output extraction!

Why does feeding multiple commands to a living spawn process in NodeJS v14 not work as expected?

In NodeJS v14, the spawn process doesn’t wait for the previous command to finish before executing the next one. This is because the spawn method doesn’t block, and the NodeJS event loop continues to the next iteration. To fix this, you need to use the `stdout.on(‘data’, (data) => { … });` event to collect the output data and then feed the next command when the previous one is finished.

How can I extract the output of a spawned process in NodeJS v14?

You can extract the output of a spawned process in NodeJS v14 by listening to the `stdout` and `stderr` events. Use `stdout.on(‘data’, (data) => { console.log(data.toString()); });` to collect the output data and `stderr.on(‘data’, (data) => { console.error(data.toString()); });` to collect any error messages.

What is the correct way to feed multiple commands to a spawned process in NodeJS v14?

To feed multiple commands to a spawned process in NodeJS v14, you should write each command to the `stdin` stream and then close it using `process.stdin.write(command + ‘\n’); process.stdin.end();`. This ensures that each command is executed sequentially and allows you to collect the output of each command.

How do I handle errors when feeding multiple commands to a spawned process in NodeJS v14?

When feeding multiple commands to a spawned process in NodeJS v14, you should handle errors by listening to the `error` event on the spawned process. Use `process.on(‘error’, (err) => { console.error(err); });` to catch any errors that occur during the execution of the commands.

What is the recommended way to close a spawned process in NodeJS v14?

The recommended way to close a spawned process in NodeJS v14 is by using the `child_process.kill()` method. Use `process.kill()` to send a signal to the spawned process to terminate it. Alternatively, you can use `processstdin.end()` to close the `stdin` stream and then wait for the process to exit.